Why do people, religious people especially, care so much about how other people live their lives? On top of that most law makers are religious, some are “very” religious, and therein lies a problem, they make laws which interfere with people’s lives they do not agree with.
The best example (or the best one I can think of right now) is gay marriage. I personally do not care how people live their lives, who they have sex with, what position and so on. It is none of my concern it does not affect my life nor does it affect me emotionally nor physically. So why do some people, again, especially religious people seem so hell bent (for the lack of a better term) in controlling how gay people live their lives?
I want to know how two gay men living together and possibly getting married affects a religious person who most likely does not even live close to any gay people nor do they know any personally. First off the government should not be involved in telling people how to live their lives. That was one the ideas the founding fathers had, the government staying out of peoples lives. Yet today we have lawmakers who go on personal crusades against anyone who is gay and they invoke religious beliefs as one of the main reasons, quoting from the bible.
Isn’t there a separation of Church and State? I think we use to have that, but that has long been forgotten. What I usually hear from religious people is that gay people are going to hell and that is why it is wrong, the bible says it is wrong so they should not be gay. Ok great, but why do they care? Ok so it does say in the bible another man shall not lay with another man. How does that translate into lawmakers and the people who support them forcing their beliefs on others? If, according to them, and the bible gay people go to hell, why is it any of their concern? Why do they feel the need in their twisted logic to “save” gay people?
You do not see gay people telling religious folks how to live their lives or trying to pass laws against them. Hmm…interesting. The only answer I ever gotten is always “it is just wrong, it is immoral…and so on”. Ok in your opinion, great, it is your opinion, so why do you care if other people lead “immoral” lives? Never have I received a reply to this answer, they (religious people) just go to say the same thing usually or quote from the bible. Ignoring my question, how does it affect them?
I am not gay, I am married (no it is not a cover), I do not care how others live their lives. It does not concern me, if two men are happy together, good for them, and I mean that. If two men want to get married and live together, let them. It does not affect me, I do not care. I have been around many gay people when I was younger. (I use to live in San Francisco). Straight and gay people hanging out together, we were all friends, so we did what all friends do, hang out, and go to movies, dinner and so on. Never did I feel uncomfortable, never did I want to “punch the gay fuck in his mouth”, a line I hear all too often. The only thing I can come up with is that people are ignorant, but I knew that already.
However I still do not understand why certain religious groups (most religions) and the people, who follow those religions, interfere in other people’s lives. Maybe it does not make sense to me because I am of the total opposite mind set, which is “If it does not hurt me or someone else than why care”. I guess some religions feel the need to force their views on others.
1 comment:
Good for people to know.
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